Starting Over
The thing about being a nerd is that you are constantly experimenting with new technology. This website happens to be one of those ways I have experimented over the past five years. As you can see by the timestamp on the previous post, this has not always translated into new content.
Since 2009 this site ran under the following frameworks: WordPress, Django CMS, Mezzanine, KeystoneJS, and finally back to WordPress. Each of these transitions coincided learning a new language: PHP, Python, and Universal Javascript.
With this thought in mind, I’ve decided to take it back to basics. The site will be running under WordPress for the foreseeable future and I’ll actually start posting content that someone? may read.
What’s been going on?
In 2009 I started working with GISi as a GIS Helpdesk Analyst onsite at Aberdeen Proving Grounds. This position was pretty boring, but I was able to make the most of it. It gave me time to start hacking around with PHP and Javascript on my free time. I also one an R&D Prize with the company due to my work automating help tickets.
In 2010 I transitioned into a Solutions Engineer for the State and Local branch of the company. This position presented amazing freedom in learning new technology and tons of interaction with clients. I started to learn python and even went to PyCon 2011. I also started presenting at conferences and meet up groups around the DC area. You may have seen me at the “Python Desktop to the Cloud” @ 2011 Esri Dev Meetup, “ArcGIS for Local Govt” @ 2011 Esri Mid-Atlantic UC, and “Remixes for Local Govt” @ 2013 Esri Dev Meetup.
In 2014 I moved to the GISi Indoors team as a Geospatial Developer. Now, I am not a formally trained software developer, but with the GISi Indoors team I was able to learn best practices from a brilliant team of senior developers. GISi Indoors gave me the opportunity to explore and experiment with Node, Angular, Python, Android/Java, Chef, PostGIS, PGRouting, and the AWS stack. I have presentations and the following groups during this period: “Pedestrian Routing” @ 2014 VAMLIS, “Pedestrian Routing in OSM” @ 2015 State of the Map, and “Analyzing Traffic” @ 2015 Transportation Techies – Walk Hack Night.
As a side project, I have been working on an Open Source 3D Pedestrian Routing solution. I’m taking my expertise on Node and 3D Routing from GISi Indoors and applying it to open source technology and open street map data.
The Future
I am really looking forward to writing down my thoughts and ideas on the industry. My goal is one or two posts per month and I will be starting with a critique on how ArcGIS Server handles Python in Geoprocessing services.