The Half-Year in Review
The past 7 months have been intense, which has resulted in me not having a lot of free time to update this here blog. However, I have had a number of posts on my companies blog, GIS Inc. Blog.
In November of last year I transitioned into a new role with the company. I am now a Solutions Engineer in our State / Local division. In essence, I am brought in to assist our clients with their ArcGIS Servers and I help out writing geoprocessing routines. It is pretty awesome, but a lot more intensive than the Help Desk.
It has been practically 7 months of straight up learning. I started 2011 learning python and the ArcPy geoprocessing API from Esri. Python/ArcPy is such a powerful language. Last month I gave a presentation on my work with python atEsri’s Washington DC Dev Meetup.
I plan on updating this more. I swear! I want to emphasize python and ArcPy downfalls and code patterns. Hopefully this will be a place where I can let off some steam when I finally tackle a problem